Our multidisciplinary team of medical professionals develops personalized medical care plans that set our patients on the road to recovery and minimize rehospitalization. With us, you’ll find the support that you need to regain function, strength, range of motion, and heal completely. Our experienced professionals have the skill to administer a wide range of care so that you always have the options you need to pursue your own path to healing.
Our center features an in-house nurse practitioner and regular rounds by leading specialists. That means that you get both the basic care that you need, such as wound dressing changes, and more advanced care from specialists who know more about your unique circumstances and can really guide your recovery. In addition, we have our own diagnostic equipment allowing us to treat our residents in place– avoiding the need to transport them elsewhere for testing when we need to assess their health or change the course of treatment.
Our expansive continuum of care includes:
Admissions Accepted 24/7
Many of the abovementioned forms of care are not offered at other rehabilitation centers. Our wide range of expertise allows us to take on patients that other centers simply cannot. We provide a higher level of care to our residents, especially those who need access to unique services. For example, our enteral and parenteral feeding care allows us to take on patients who are still being fed by a tube after a procedure, or who are always fed by a tube. This form of care requires a high level of nursing expertise, and by providing this skill we can help our patients transition out of the hospital environment, and into a more comfortable environment more quickly and safely.
Our specialized healthcare services also help us intervene when a patient has a setback that might have otherwise sent them back to the hospital. For example, through our cardiac care, we can keep a more informed eye on patients who are recovering from cardiac surgeries or issues, intervening before a small problem becomes something more serious.
The care we offer is also focused on ensuring a patient’s comfort. Pain management is a prime example. With knowledgeable staff who have a wide range of pain management options at their fingertips, we can help our patients feel comfortable, freeing them to perform physiotherapy and feel more at ease, accelerating their recovery.
While you may not need all of the care types in our catalogue, it’s great peace of mind to know that they are available if you or a loved one needs them.
1 Lindbergh Avenue Perth Amboy, NJ 08861